Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Meeting Max

I was thinking while I was in town yesterday that I better get another blog update cranked out. While we were in town yesterday we had to take our old guy to the chiropractor and I had to get my blood level checked. After our business was done we stopped through the Golden Arches to soothe my nugget addiction. We ordered Prince a 4 piece too and he thought that was a good deal. Hmmm no wonder he likes going to town on a bye bye with us.

This afternoon we went to Missoula Head Start for an event sponsored by Montana People's Action. U.S. Senator Max Baucus was in attendance to read to the kids and discuss the reauthorizing of SCHIP. SCHIP is government sponsored health insurance for low-income children. We had the opportunity to meet Senator Baucus and discuss some of the issues that are important to Montanan's with disabilities. We talked about for the need for more Medicaid providers and the need for more funding of community based care. I told Max of my nursing home incarceration back in North Dakota and how I have so many new opportunities in Montana. Max really seemed to listen and care about what we all had to say. Definitely was a very worth while afternoon.

Things keep rolling on here in Missoula and here's a few other thing that I've been up to.

I met last week with my PT and a guy from Missoula Orthotics. We discussed the need for a custom support for my right side. They are going to do a plaster imprint and design a padded support for me. I'm excited that these efforts will make me very comfortable in my new chair.

Friday evening we went to Famous Dave's to celebrate the birthday of Dustin's mom. We had a really good time and the food was excellent. It was great to have an enjoyable evening with April and Welles.

I meet with my ENT this week and hopefully we can finally resolve my trach issues. We've been communicating with the Bivona representative and we're fine tuning the dimensions on a custom trach. The doctor needs to fill out a template and then Bivona can make my trach.

That's it for another wild week here in Big Sky country. Take care until next time.



Anonymous said...

Always look forward to your blog messages. Interesting to hear what you have been up to, or what those pugs are doing. Appreciate the update. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading your blog even though you may not hear from me. Man, you stay busy! It reminds me of that line from the movie "Steel Magnolia's". You're busier than a one armed paper hanger. I think that is where I heard it. The Lord bless you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark!

I agree w/ Elizabeth! You are much busier & have more social life than I do; but then, I'm abit older than you are. :) (I'm not really complaining, just commenting & feeling happy for you.)
Please ID the people in the pic when you have time.
I feel it is great that you are in touch w/ the legislators & truly "making a difference" for many people. Thank you! It sounds like you are also really on top of your health care. I'm so glad that you have found the resources that you need.

Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Shyla here,

That was so cool that you guys met Senator Baucus!! Hopefully, he really listened. I used to have a fry addiction,but now I am really sick of fast food.That is all there is in Great Falls Gotta plan a road trip to Missoula. Has Dustin been blogging recently?? I am wondering 'cause I haven't seen stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark, I look forward to your updates, you are a real busy man, all the good things that are happening for you, your new chair and how they are going to fix it so you can sit up better. Suppose you are ready for Easter, such a beautiful time of the year. But we still have snow and they say more to come on Sunday, the egg hunt for children is going to be next week. Take care and HAPPY EASTER.until next time---Ione