Monday, September 20, 2004

no posts

There have been no posts lately cuz I have been under the weather with kidney stones. Tomorrow I travel to Fargo for a lithotripsy to hopefully remedy the situation. I will get back to posting later this week so stay tuned.

The Nodakwheeler

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Feedback/New Project

I have gotten so much positive response from last weeks articles in the paper on me. The support people have shown me has been awesome. It gives me the energy to fight for a brighter day, when ALL people will disabilities are treated as equals in our society.

On Tuesday I started something that I think will be good for me. There is a transition prgram in town thats helps kids with disabilities get ready for life after high school. One of the students from this program will visit with me twice a week for awhile. I am able to share my experiences and answer questions about my life. He is a pretty cool guy that likes computers and the Vikings. So we will have no problems getting along. I am looking forward to some good visits.

I am off to eat lunch and then go out and enjoy a nice day.


The Nodakwheeler

Friday, September 03, 2004

Great day - part two

The Jamestown Sun ran the last part of my story in today' s paper. Follow this link to view part two.

It has been a great opportunity to educate the general public, elected officials, and others on the good possibility that I could regain my independence. The government must assure that folks with disabilities can live in their own home and not in an old folks home. We can provide quality care to many more in the community and at the same time save money. We must keep working to demand better from the system that serves us.

Today I am going outside to enjoy a 80 degree fall day in the great upper midwest. Til' next time.

The Nodakwheeler

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Great day - part one

Today is a very good day for me. My hometown newspaper the Jamestown Sun is ruunning a two part article on me. The first article can be viewed by following this link. I will post a link tomorrow for part two.

These articles deal with my life on a vent and my quest to live in the community instead of in a nursing home. It is exciting for me to share my story with others and speak out on community based care versus instituitional care. I am working hard to help find solutions for nursing home alternatives so people can live in freedom. That is my hope for the future and we must keep working until this becomes a reality.

Tomorrow I will post the second article, so stay tuned.

The Nodakwheeler