Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The return of the Stones

The Stones have returned but unfortunately this time it isn't the Rolling Stones. I'd been having some abdominal pain for the past week and on Monday I went in for a CT scan. I met with my urologist yesterday and the scan showed a significant return of kidney stones. This news didn't thrill me but at least we won't doing any procedures until after finals are over. We'll most likely be doing a lithotripsy where they send a heavy dose of shock waves into the body in hopes of shattering the stones. The procedure is pretty simple but I'll definitely be sore for several days after. Looks like winter break will be spent recuperating but I'll have my movies, audio books and Pugs to keep myself occupied.

School has been going just fine and all thats really left to do is take my final exams. I have my MT History final on December 8th and my Ethics final on December 10th. This semester has been work but I've enjoyed studying Montana history and the philosophies of Aristotle and Nietzsche. Ethics has been my favorite class and I certainly wasn't expecting that when the semester began. It sure is a bonus when you end up loving a class that you thought you were going to hate. Learning is funny in that respect.

We are spending Thanksgiving at Dustin's aunt's and it is always a good time when we get together. It will be great to unwind a little and to escape the rush of school. I want to wish everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Take care and I will return in a week or so.



Anonymous said...

Quite the humor Mark:-)
Too bad it isn't the 'musical' stones. I am sure the situation will be dealt with and you will have time to recupe.
Am sure you will have a nice day with Sharon and her family; so nice of them to invite you.
Take care.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Mark, HAPPY TURKEY DAY, and a very BLESSED THANKSGIVING. Hard to believe its almost the end of another year. The New Year will bring much excitement having a new President, I pray he can get the U.S. back on track, he really has big job ahead of him. I pray for the safety of him and his family and I hope they don't take that walk, to many nuts out there. Mark you take care and this problem you have to deal with will give you comfort again.Have a happy day and many blessings to the young man we are so proud to know.
Gods Blessings
Duane and Ione

Anonymous said...

Good luck Mark both with finalsand the stones! Happy Thanksgiving to All.Shyla

Anonymous said...

A late happy Thanksgiving Mark!Hope the lithotrpsy goes fine. Keep up the good work in school!
IG & the pugsters in MN