We had a gorgeous day here Thursday after a few cloudy and cool days. There wasn't a cloud in sight and it was a perfect day to enjoy the great outdoors of western Montana. My nurse and I went downtown to take a walk along the river. I was impressed by the accessibility of the trail and how easy it was to navigate. I've attached a few pictures we took along our stroll.
My long hiatus from school is coming to an end and my summer class begins on Tuesday. I'll have an American History class on Monday-Thursday from 1:30-4 p.m. and it lasts for about 5 weeks. It should be a good class and it's with a professor that I've had before. The only big downside is that we have 4 books to get through and a paper or two to write. Oh well at least it's beautiful on campus and it will give me a chance to enjoy the scenery. The trees not the girls :-)
This is a short entry but I have to brag up our little Sammy before I go. He recently graduated from his beginner's puppy class at Petsmart. Things went great and he learned walking on the leash, sitting, stay, come, lay down and even roll over. The diploma is on the fridge and rumor has it that there probably will be an advanced class in his future.
That's the latest news from my corner of the world. The next few weeks will be busy so we will have to see how much time I'll have to blog. Enjoy the rest of the Memorial Day holiday.