I went to see Dr. Gardner (my ENT) on Friday morning and he put in my new custom Shiley trach. It’s a lot shorter than my old trach and it fit perfect. He ran the scope down my new trach and everything checked out very good. Now the old ulceration on my trachea should totally heal without any problem.
It’s been another busy week here in Missoula and I survived my tests last week. The end of the semester keeps drawing closer and I’m busy getting ready for spring semester. Tomorrow I register for classes and I’m planning on taking 13 credits. I’ll be taking Intro to American Government, General Geology, Macroeconomics, and Introductory Algebra. I was hoping to take a class during winter break but it appears the class I wanted has been canceled. That’s alright with me and I’m looking forward to a nice six week break.
The week ahead doesn’t look too bad except for the fact that my English Comp Op-ed is due this week. I chose to write one on the controversy surrounding the wolf population here in Western Montana. Hopefully if all goes well it may even end up published in the Missoulian.
The picture I’ve included was taken last week when Kari was up on my lap. Kari loves sitting in my chair with me and she is so full of energy. She may be small but she definitely is the energizer bunny of this household.
It was announced a week or so ago that Tool added a Missoula show on their current tour. We got the tickets we wanted and they play Missoula on December 3rd. That’s all for now folks and I’ll be back next week.
“There is no such thing as a little freedom. You are either free or you’re not.” -- Walter Cronkite