Sunday, January 04, 2009

Mark 1 Kidneys 0

The score is 1-0 and the next round vs. the kidneys is set to take place early Friday. I'm hanging in there but this week hasn't been any easy one. Last Friday I ended up in the doctor's office with a nice little kidney infection. This infection is most likely a parting gift from the first kidney procedure I had. Oh well enough of me moaning and groaning about my current state of affairs and onto the good news. Yes there is a light at the end of this long tunnel.

My urologist was ecstatic that the first lithotripsy blew up the biggest stone of concern. He had doubts at how effective he would be at treating me but the surgical gods were smiling on him. Seriously Dr. Graber is a talented guy and I trust his ability completely. Friday's encore will mop up the rest of my kidney stones and I'll be all done! I know kidneys aren't the sexiest of topics but thats where I stand or sit with things :-)

I had promised a few weeks ago that I had a surprise to reveal. Well meet Sammy James our new little black pug. He is devil and angel blended into one small body and his antics have kept us all in stitches. He's learned so much in his time here and its scary how smart he is! Sammy must be into everything and he especially likes irritating his siblings. They are tolerating him well and things will be better when he's a bit bigger. He can hold his own just fine though and thankfully the 6 pack is complete once again.

My winter session class starts tomorrow and I'm not sure what to expect. I've never worked with Photoshop but I guess I'll learn fast. The professor sounds good so that gives me some comfort heading into the unknown. I'll keep you posted how it goes. Spring books go on sale tomorrow so I may crawl out and head over to the bookstore. Thankfully I can order online and not have to wait too long.

I want to wish all my friends and family a very Happy New Year! Thanks for your love and support. You drive and inspire me than you'll ever know.


I've added a favorite Kid Rock song to this weeks blog. What would I do without music? I shudder to think.


Anonymous said...

Excited for the new year Sammy is a cutie .He is probably just as rambunctious as each Member of your House. More later Shyla

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have another hurdle to clear. I love the pics of Sammy and yes he's a cutie. Good luck with Photoshop!

Wheelchair Hiker said...

Glad to hear you are winning the fight with those kidney stone.
And very cute pics of Sammy.


Mark H

Jenn said...

Aww Sammy is so cute. Ian wants a black pug so badly.

Anonymous said...

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В октябре собираюсь к родственникам на святую землю, хочу объединить с шоппингом. В прошлом году привезла замечательные вещи из двух ТЦ возле Бер-Шевы, все вещи оттуда стали моими самыми любимыми. Но в тот раз у меня буквально не было денег, поехала буквально невзначай, но цены меня ошеломили - разве что не в 2 раза дешевле все, чем у нас. В этот раз подготовилась, подкопила чуть-чуть, для того быть во всеоружии =) Конечно, хотелось бы купить брендовых вещей. Посоветуйте, куда лучше поехать закупаться?